.. highlightlang:: us .. _@f{labeldatapoint}: @f{labeldatapoint} ================== .. index:: @f{labeldatapoint} .. us.tag @f{labeldatapoint} NOTREADYENGLISH fieldfunction Changed420 Labels the data points of the original data with its y value. If the dataset contains more than 50 data points the labels will be distributed over the dataset. .. function:: @f{labeldatapoint(data_set_name, index, format, x_offset, y_offset)} @f{labeldatapoint(data_set_name, index, format, x_offset, y_offset, dataset2)} .. uparam:: dataset_name *dataset_name* is the dataset name. .. uparam:: index *index* is the point index of the data point. The numberring starts with 1. .. uparam:: format *format* specifies the output format. see :ref:`printf`. .. uparam:: x_offset *x_offset* sets the x offset in centimeters. .. uparam:: y_offset *y_offset* sets the y offset in centimeters. .. uparam:: dataset_name2 *dataset_name2* is the name of a second dataset which y coordinates are used as the label text. If *dataset_name2* is a 3D dataset the z coordinates are displayed. .. us.comment **Comment** The maximum number of labels can be modified with the following function call:: WriteProfileInt("Settings", "LabelDataPoint_Count", 100); Type the command into the command window. .. us.example **Example** .. highlight:: none :: @f{labeldatapoint(Data1, 3, %.3lf, 0, 0.3, Data2)}{9.000} .. highlight:: us .. seealso:: :ref:`overview-field-functions`, :ref:`editupdate-fields`, :ref:`diagraminsert-field-function` :sub:`id-1214030`